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Diane Lovejoy

Diane Lovejoy - Violin Lessons for Beaverton and Portland, OR. The teaching approach at Musician by Heart supports a natural and correct use of the body, and the music is fresh and varied.

 Views  298

Graphic Design Training, Colleges in Arizona

Graphic design training – Collins College welcomes students interested in visual arts and graphic design training; colleges in Arizona.

 Views  413

Healthcare Schools

Find the right colleges to acquire the healthcare training you need.

 Views  405


The full math program in Video lessons is professionally presented by a Board Certified Teacher in a manner that is comfortable and conducive to the student. The teacher will explain all math concepts, show the tricks to use and the traps to avoid and also correct the excercises. From Elementary and Charter Schools offering advanced math programs, to High School students who need a refresher course, HomeWorkTV is a great learning tool. The program includes 90 lessons and 12 hours of video. Each lesson is comprised of a session lasting 3 to 10 minutes. HomeWorkTV is designed for today's curriculum and supports National Education Standards.

 Views  405

Lehigh Valley College (formerly Allentown Business School) in Pennsylvania

Official Site for Lehigh Valley College. Get your life back on track with a degree from Lehigh Valley College near Allentown, Pennsylvania.

 Views  370

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