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fashion magazine

Directed towards an international audience, Selvedge covers fine textiles in every context with illustrated features on fine art, fashion, interiors, ethnographic textiles, important collections, travel and shopping. The latest book reviews, exhibitions and comprehensive listings feature in every issue. The magazine provides a wide-ranging, unbiased and critical overview of the textile world.

 Views  402

Free Articles

User based article posts, reviews and web links covering a wide range of topics ranging from arts and business to sports and technology.

 Views  505

Hampshire Life

Get the most up to date news about events, food, people and much more in your region with Great British Life. Join our great community now.

 Views  325

iSeeker Articles

An ezine about everything. Articles on a wide variety of topics including business, finance, health, beauty, employment, education, shopping, travel and more. New content added regularly.

 Views  394

Kent magazine

Great British Life is celebrating all the finer things in Kent life including food and drink, fantastic properties, events, celebrity interviews, walks and competitions.

 Views  291

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